Monday, August 24, 2015

3 reasons seniors should have HIV and STD testing done

Whether you’re dating at 18 or 78, there’s one thing that should take place: STD testing. STDs and HIV has been on the rise among seniors in recent years; the CDC reports that rates of chlamydia and syphilis among ages 45 to 64 have nearly tripled in the last decade. Gonorrhea is also on the rise. Here are three reasons for STD testing among this population:

  1. Lack of sex education. Many people 50 years or older never had a formal sex ed course in high school and may not think this topic is relevant. However, while pregnancy may not be a consequence of sex anymore, STDs and HIV remain prevalent, and many seniors are unaware of the basics of STD and HIV prevention. Condoms provide excellent protection against most STDs, not just pregnancy. These prophylactics may seem alien to many seniors who relied on oral contraceptives and other forms of birth control during years of marriage and without proper condom use, STDs spread.
  2. Menopause. After menopause, women no longer need to worry about unwanted pregnancies, which may lead to a disregard of condoms as mentioned in the first point. Furthermore, menopause causes bodily changes that make women more susceptible to HIV and STDs. Thinning of the vaginal walls and vaginal dryness can cause small, microscopic cuts which allow as an entry point for HIV.
  3. Viagra and Internet dating. It’s actually two reasons, but combined, these elements increase ability and opportunity for dating among seniors. Combined with the lack of sex ed and no threat of pregnancy, this puts the demographic at risk for STDs and HIV. Seniors shouldn’t be denied dating, sex and companionship (80% of those between 50 and 90 are sexually active), but as we advise the rest of the dating population, safe sex is the best sex.
Testing is fast and easy. Find an STD testing center near you or go online and check out the home test kits (scroll to the bottom). Test in the privacy of your home when it's convenient for you. Everything you need is in the kit including postage.

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